Journey through the valley of centuries

The Tourist Organization of Kraljevo


The rose of winds in the heart of the Golija-Studenica biosphere.

Collision of sea and continental currents at 1,100 meters above sea level.

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Tourist Destination of Rudno is located at 1100 meters above sea level, on the slopes of the Radocelo and Golija mountains. The center of the region is village Rudno, which is reached by the Ibar highway from the direction of Kraljevo, towards the south. From Kraljevo, one must travel about 76km to the villageBrvenik, then turn right and travel another 24 km to the final destination located in the heart of Golija biosphere reserve.

The unspoiled nature, rich in dense forests, gentle and lush pastures, meadows and many clear mountain rivers and streams rich in crayfish and trout, with the cleanest air in Serbia, will make you love Rudno on first sight.The rose of winds, in which continental and Mediterranean currents collide, makes this place an air spa which in combination with healthy food and long walks, has a beneficial effect on many illnesses.

Countryside tourism has existed in this region for several decades, but the last ten years have experienced a real boom. The Sekler household, the ethno-mansion ,,Vila Selena’’, the guest house ,,Sky’’, the hut ,,Eagle's Nest’’, and a dozen other hosts have raised the quality of service to a level that is encountered only in the most prestigious tourist destinations. Therefore, it is not surprising the old saying that you cannot come to Rudno only once. Anyone who inhales this air and feels the hospitality of the hosts from Rudnowill be eager to return to this gentle place.

The Tourist Organization of Kraljevo